Northumberland County Blind Association is committed to safeguarding everyone who uses our services or comes into contact with us.
NCBA believes that it is unacceptable for adults, young people and children to experience abuse of any kind; everyone has the right to be protected from all types of abuse and neglect, regardless of age, disability, gender, language, religion, sexual orientation or identity or any other factor or circumstance; and recognises its responsibilities to safeguard the welfare of all adults, young people and children.
NCBA's Safeguarding Policy applies to all NCBA staff, volunteers and visitors whose work brings them into contact with adults, young people and children that may be at risk of abuse or neglect.
If you have any concerns, please contact us on 01670 514316, email:, contact your local social services team, or the Police on 101 or 999.
Northumberland County Blind Association's safeguarding policies
The following links provide information on our Safeguarding Policy and Procedure:
There are lots of ways to volunteer with the Vision Northumberland. From distributing collection boxes, to joining our befriending service, to becoming a member of our board of trustees, there's something for everyone. Find out more here.